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How to show evidence of your COVID-19 Vaccine status

From 17 May 2021, people in England who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can demonstrate their vaccination status for international travel. A full course is currently two doses of any approved vaccine. Vaccine status will be available from: 

  • the NHS App which you can download from app stores 
  • the NHS website 
  • 119 – by requesting a paper letter

You will need to register to use the online services, if you have not already. It may take more than a week for your identity to be checked and verified.

If you cannot access the online services, and you have had both doses of the vaccine, you can request a paper letter from the NHS by calling 119. Only call 119 if you are due to travel outside the UK in the near future and have had your second dose more than 5 working days ago. It may take up to 7 working days for the letter to arrive.

This practice is not able to provide you with a letter that shows your COVID-19 vaccination status. Please do not contact the practice about your COVID-19 vaccination status unless you have been advised to by the 119 service.

When you’re planning your travel, you should check the latest information on demonstrating your COVID-19 status when travelling abroad on the website. Make sure there is enough time to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccination status before you are due to travel.

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Have you ever smoked tobacco?
If you are currently a smoker and would like to stop please contact the surgery to discuss this further.


(1 drink = 1/2 pint of beer or 1 glass of wine or 1 single spirits)


Could you be depressed ?


A carer is someone who looks after an elderly person or someone who is disabled. We do not mean a carer of a child.

Are you a Carer?

Take our patient survey

The General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ)
1. In the past 12 months, how many times have you seen a doctor from your practice?
2. How do you rate the way you are treated by receptionists at your practice?
3. a) How do you rate the hours that your practice is open for appointments?
b) What additional hours would you like the practice to be open?
4. Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor: a) How quickly do you usually get to see that doctor?
b) How do you rate this?
5. a) Thinking of times when you are willing to see any doctor: a) How quickly do you usually get seen?
b) How do you rate this?
6. If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally get seen on the same day [this is with any GP]?
7. a) How long do you usually have to wait at the practice for your consultations to begin?
b) How do rate this?
8. Thinking of times you have phoned the practice, how do you rate the following: a) Ability to get through to the practice on the phone?
b) Ability to speak to a doctor on the phone when you have a question or need medical advice?
These next questions ask about your usual doctor. If you don’t have a ‘usual doctor’, answer about the one doctor at your practice who you know best. If you don’t know any of the doctors, go straight to question
11. 9. a) In general, how often do you see your usual doctor?
b) How do you rate this?
10. Thinking about when you consult your doctor, how do you rate the following: a) How thoroughly the doctor asked about your symptoms and how you are feeling?
b) How well the doctor listens to what you had to say?
c) How well the doctor puts you at ease during your physical examination?
d) How much the doctor involves you in decisions about your care?
e) How well the doctor explains your problems or any treatment that you need?
f) The amount of time your doctor spends with you?
g) The doctor’s patience with your questions or worries?
h) The doctor’s caring and concern for you?
11. Have you seen a nurse from your practice in the past 12 months?
12. Thinking about the nurse(s) you have seen, how do you rate the following: a) How well they listen to what you say?
b) The quaility of care they provide?
c) How well they explain your health problems or any treatment that you need?
Finally, it will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself: 13. Are you:
14. How old are you?
15. Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? By long-standing we mean anything that has troubled you over a period of time or that is likely to affect you over a period of time.
16. Which ethnic group do you belong to?
17. Is your accommodation?
18. Which of the following best describes you?

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